Monday, 20 December 2010
Here I Am
Excited to look my fears in the face and soar above clouds and eat cruise food, and walk on oceans and say short farewell to Canada, long farewell to book-studying.
Friday, 13 August 2010
Book Life
![]() |
Image from FFFFOUND |
Thursday, 12 August 2010
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Monday, 9 August 2010
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Saturday, 7 August 2010
Christoph Niemann
Got this week's New Yorker in the mail yesterday. I'm in love with the cover -- "Dropped Call," by Christoph Niemann. He also does an excellent blog on the NYTimes Ch-check it.
Friday, 6 August 2010
Thursday, 5 August 2010
Tuesday, 3 August 2010
Becoming a Sketchblog
Over the last 3-4 days I've been blitzing my flickr with drawings from my sketchbook. I want to actually follow through and have a real SKETCHBLOG though, because I think it's a better format etc. I'm going to really try to follow through this time, and that will be cool.
From Today:

Monday, 19 July 2010
Things About Today
2. Applied for a Marriage Certificate.
3. Had a weird, melty drink from Second Cup. The lid came off when I was riding home. The half empty drink was in my bike basket and I kept getting splashed with residual whipped cream mixed with ice water.
4. Tried to convince Andre to move to a new apartment. Was easily persuaded to move on from that plan.
5. Tried to explain the merits and cuteness of Peggle.
6. Bought my friend lunch at McDonald's. Ate McDonald's.
7. Ended the day by eating the bologna sandwich I had carried around with me all day. Feeling ambivalent over possible food poisoning.
Keri Smith has changed her blog layout. I couldn't find her How to Feel Miserable As An Artist on her site anymore. I found it referenced elsewhere. i.e. here I printed it out and am applying it to life in general, artist and not.
Wednesday, 23 June 2010
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Cottage in the City.
One of the eight decent (read salvageable) photos from my first film attempt. I was trying to learn to manual focus, adjust aperture etc. and next time might try the whole roll on autofocus to see how that works out.
One week til camping!
Monday, 7 June 2010
No one makes a desk tall
enough for her short legs
and long back.
Perhaps they do make them,
that wouldn't be hard to believe.
But what good is it if no one
uses such a desk?
In what classroom, office or
library can she find and use
such a thing?
Instead she'll sit hunchbacked,
over her work desk or
slouched down in her chair--
lower back concave,
trying to
Sunday, 6 June 2010
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
At the ROM
I stood and watched from atop my bicycle
and was surprised by the small and shrill female voice coming
through the amplifier.
There were flags waving and a rallying cry
but also this huge calm,
at least I felt it.
The loud voices caught something inside me.
I felt a sway and wondered what tragedies went
unnoticed today.
Monday, 31 May 2010
Friday, 28 May 2010
The Artiste
but she didn't want correction.
She didn't want to be corrected at all.
She pressed her fingers to the strings to make sounds
but she didn't want to hear it
and she didn't want a callous to form there.
She didn't want any mark to be made
permanent or impermanent.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Last Night a Bug Flew In
Image Paper Tiger by *contraomnes on deviantART via
Last night a bug flew in, a beetle
and it was buzzing around our window sounding
just like a kazoo.
The lights were off but we couldn't ignore it.
Andre got out of bed to have a look at the thing. "A June bug"
I said. But it was something else.
The unknown in an insect is never a good thing and Andre immediately identified teeth
and a stinger. The word stinger should never be uttered anywhere
near bed and blanket.
At that moment our cat Mowat piped in.
It was almost a chirp, the sound he made,
with his tail twitching like a windup toy.
Andre soon knocked the thing to the carpet,
and now both our cats were circling it. Patting it with their paws,
gently bludgeoning.
Mowat attempted eating it but spit it out in a hurry.
"It bit him!" yelled Andre
and he acted out the chomping of the insects' jaws.
I imagined now that some sort of mini-winged-rhinoceros
had made its way into our bedroom;
such a frightful thing.
And when Andre got the oven mitts I was glad.
Gladder still when he tossed it out the window
and explained consolingly to the cats they couldn't hunt it anymore,
it was gone.
Dish Debt

Doing the dishes is like paying my credit card bill;
I have to do it incrementally.
If I have breakfast this morning then
that's a debit.
One spoon, one bowl, one knife,
one cup.
I'd like to make a dent in debits owed so I'll wash
this morning's breakfast away and also the teapot
from Monday evening and just the lid from Tuesday's
spaghetti pot.
My debt is payed in lavender dish soap, time-served and the number of prune-like
wrinkles on my fingers.
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Drawing from a photo in the Globe and Mail Report on Business, Mar. 25th, 2009. I like to follow American politics and draw politicians, apparently.
I've been wanting to update my sketches for a while as an impetus for drawing daily and am starting with something really old for some reason. I really need to know how my sketch journal heros Jillian Tamaki and Lauren Nassef upload such pretty images with no smudge marks. Is it just the curse of lefthandedness that causes them? (I actually love being a lefty and in no way think it is a curse.)
Red Doll Illo
Had fun doing something creative tonight. The first thing I could think to draw was a doll. I love drawing faces.
Was getting all inspired by Sonja Ahlers and now I want to collage up the world.
Friday, 14 May 2010
Cam Mera
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Rainy Ol' Saturday
Saturday, 1 May 2010

Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Kitchen Grilling
The Reasons
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Silly Ol' Poems
the kitchen stirring
the pot, spitting fire
spitting fits
of rage over events
of ten years ago
feeding her family on
ten years worth of grief and bad
left over feelings
she can't quite come to grips with.
In her mean spiritedness
Millie millet maker
gripes over the short falls of others
and how she's done
them wrong.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
The Possessed

Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Little Mac
She would often imagine a life set somewhere else. In something called Little Mac the name of a house her grandparents had lived in. It may have been the name of the house or the name of the street, regardless it sat in her mind quite solidly. It had no questions of itself, Little Mac. It was cute and small and made of bricks, planted firmly in earth with an even number of rooms; 4 or 6 or 8. It didn't matter which. Little Mac would have gardens and sensible window coverings. If she could get there, then Little Mac would be real and the glass house would be fantasy.
Thursday, 4 February 2010
Opera Like That
Tuesday, 2 February 2010
Insects fly, read.
- Catcher in the rye,
- Life of pi
Life of Pi; a former teacher was reading with her book club. I didn't pick up on any media hype, didn't know about the Booker Prize etc. Just a word of mouth pick - I also really liked the cover; bright red with a tiger's face. Then I liked that it was partially set in Toronto (Scarborough), then the questions it tackled, then the narration etc. etc. Yann Martel finally has a follow-up coming out; Beatrice and Virgil. Despite publishers' attempts to market it as "shocking" I'm really looking forward to it. I'm excited to see what he's been up to.