Image Paper Tiger by *contraomnes on deviantART via ffffound.com
Last night a bug flew in, a beetle
and it was buzzing around our window sounding
just like a kazoo.
The lights were off but we couldn't ignore it.
Andre got out of bed to have a look at the thing. "A June bug"
I said. But it was something else.
The unknown in an insect is never a good thing and Andre immediately identified teeth
and a stinger. The word stinger should never be uttered anywhere
near bed and blanket.
At that moment our cat Mowat piped in.
It was almost a chirp, the sound he made,
with his tail twitching like a windup toy.
Andre soon knocked the thing to the carpet,
and now both our cats were circling it. Patting it with their paws,
gently bludgeoning.
Mowat attempted eating it but spit it out in a hurry.
"It bit him!" yelled Andre
and he acted out the chomping of the insects' jaws.
I imagined now that some sort of mini-winged-rhinoceros
had made its way into our bedroom;
such a frightful thing.
And when Andre got the oven mitts I was glad.
Gladder still when he tossed it out the window
and explained consolingly to the cats they couldn't hunt it anymore,
it was gone.
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